Understanding the implications of gamification on women computer science students' engagement and women-CS fit

This gender study seeks to better understand implications of gamification on student learning, identity development, and self-efficacy beliefs. The study consists of an in-depth inquiry into the experiences of female students as they participate in the use of SEP-CyLE (Software Engineering and Program Cyberlearning Environment) in order to provide insight into a demographic critical to the future success of computing as well as contribute to a better understanding of the role of gamification in student learning and engagement. The narratives that will be shared by the participants of this study will contribute to the body of knowledge on gamification as well as provide insight into whether this pedagogy serves the needs of women in computing.

  • Focus: Women in computer science; gamification
  • Funder: National Science Foundation
  • Team: Monique Ross, Peter Clarke, Geoff Potvin
  • Award Amount: $300,000
  • Contact:Monique Ross