Creating a More inclusive Biology Curriculum
To make biology education more inclusive for all students and improve biological literacy, this RCN will bring together an interdisciplinary team of scholars from across biology, biology education, and gender studies to address systemic gender inequities that may impact biology education. Multiple agencies interested in education are calling for the creation of more inclusive biology. Yet, most of the work on inclusion has focused on pedagogical practice and not the biology curriculum itself. This is a lost opportunity, as research shows that the content that is taught can impact students? learning. This network will be one of the first efforts in biology to expand education research into the curriculum to increasing inclusion.
- Focus: Undergraduates
- Funder: National Science Foundation
- Team: Sarah Eddy, Linda Fuselier, Anne Marie Casper, Susan Jarosi
- Award Number: NSF 2018693
- Contact: Melissa McCartney (