Pathways to Success in STEM

Develop an integrated model for student retention in STEM that reduces high attrition in freshman and sophomore years and increases upper-division student population in STEM. Primary targets are engineering, computer science and physics students with measurable impact on other STEM disciplines. This project integrates three components into one coherent project to yield insight into comprehensive reform and affect student success

  • Bridge To Success: Creates a cohesive cohort of STEM students who successfully transition to upper division status.
  • Expanded Physics Modeling: Improves the success rate in physics with direct positive impact on all STEM disciplines, since it is a gateway course for all STEM majors.
  • Learning Assistant Program: Provides computer science, engineering and physics course reform and the opportunity for students to become certified STEM teachers.
  • Focus: Undergraduate
  • Contact: Eric Brewe,, Department of Teaching and Learning, College of Arts, Sciences & Education; Masoud Milani,, Office of Student Access & Success in the Center for Diversity in Engineering and Computing, College of Engineering and Computing; Laird Kramer,, Department of Physics, College of Arts, Sciences & Education.