Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership

To significantly increase the effectiveness of secondary math teacher candidates, ensuring that they can promote mathematical excellence and college and career readiness of their future students. The partnership seeks membership across all APLU (Association of Public and Land-grant Universities)/SMTI (Science & Mathematics Teacher Imperative) institutions to develop a national consensus on new guiding principles and consequent model practices for secondary math teacher preparation programs. It will conduct research on secondary math teacher preparation to transform programs so that they meet the challenges of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Subsequently, the partnership will develop and promote existing best practices in the field. It will then assess the success of the participants in meeting those challenges. The partnership will convene them at a conference to identify and develop guiding principles underlying the effort and priorities for action.

  • Focus: Undergraduate
  • Contact: Maria L. Fernandez,, Mathematics Education, Department of Teaching and Learning, College of Arts, Sciences & Education